California is no stranger to drought. Our Mediterranean climate is predisposed to variable rainfall conditions, however, the climate crisis has exacerbated these natural variations and skewed the balance of cyclic patterns into persisting crises.
California continues to experience warmer and longer dry seasons, resulting in a drier atmosphere that accelerates evaporation. Ultimately, the enduring water shortage diminishes what is available for communities, businesses, and ecosystems. Citizens have already begun to feel the increasing downstream effects of drought by way of steepening water bills and property damages or loss from wildfires. Since global temperatures continue to rise, many individuals have begun to identify ways they can adapt to a future of worsening drought. In turn, Californians are opting to strip out their perpetually thirsty lawns for more drought-friendly landscaping alternatives. Continue reading for LandZen's sustainable landscaping picks for Sonoma County's dry summers.
Drought-tolerant Plants
Drought-resistant is by no means synonymous with bland, in fact, drought-tolerant landscaping can be made to fit nearly any of the major landscape styles. An abundance of unique and compelling plant species have evolved to embrace the challenges of dry climates, including California natives such as Western Redbud, California Lilac, Golden Yarrow, California Fuschia, and so many more. Besides lowering your water bill, drought-tolerant plants are low maintenance and, if native to California, come with the added bonus of supporting and hosting native pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and birds. Calscape ( is a fantastic resource for browsing plants native to California. As with all plants, you'll want to make sure to give even these low water plants extra love in their first year to allow them to establish. Additionally, blanketing your planting areas with mulch - or stones for succulent gardens - serves to preserve the moisture in your soil by minimizing evaporation, moderate soil temperature, and create a finished look. Listed below are a few of our favorite California-native or California-adapted drought-tolerant plants.

Achillea 'Moonshine', Yellow Yarrow
One of the many varieties of Yarrow, Moonshine's silvery foliage and lacy yellow flowers brighten up your garden as a high-impact specimen. Yarrow is a fast-growing perennial 2.5' tall by 2' wide, requires very little water once established, is deer-resistant, makes a good cut flower, and even acts as a fire retardant.

Ceanothus 'Diamond Heights'
Although most other Ceanothus varieties we commonly use are mid- to large-sized shrubs with dark green foliage, 'Diamond Heights', a Ceanothus hybrid, sports chartreuse variegated foliage and is a fast-growing ground cover at only 1' tall and 4-6' wide. 'Diamond Heights' will produce light blue flowers in spring, and does well in bright shade to full sun, under native oaks, spilling over walls or containers, and combines well with Blue-eyed Grass and Coffeeberry.

Lomandra longifloria 'Breeze Grass'
Lomandra longifloria, which grows to about 3' by 3', seems to tick all of the boxes one might have for a landscaping grass. Bright green evergreen blades that float and dance in the breeze give it the look and feel of an ornamental grass, however, it also boasts of drought tolerance, thriving in both sun and shade, and cold hardiness to below 20 degrees. Grasses are a wonderful tool for layering in contrasting fine textures against hardscaping and water elements, and Breeze Grass serves us well as a reliable choice for mass plantings, dry edges, rocky gardens, and even containers.

Salvia leucophylla 'Purple Sage'
It's a great feeling to find a plant that is appealing not only when it's blooming, but also when it's petals have fallen and left behind seed pods. Purple sage is a tough native plant that grows 3-5' tall by 3-10' wide, with silvery-green foliage and whorls of fragrant light purple flowers that attract pollinators through spring and summer. In the late summer, the flowers wilt and drop to reveal spikes of tiered grey seed pods. These can be left on the plant to extend the shrub's visual interest lifetime in the garden, or cut and used in dried arrangements. And as a native, it's highly drought tolerant.

Olea, Olive Tree
Trees serve to structure the landscape and define the ceilings and boundaries of our outdoor spaces or paths of travel. They can be used to frame a view or act as a statement piece. Olive trees are wonderful at doing both, sometimes even simultaneously, and unless your goal is a good fruit crop, our winter rainfall will almost entirely fulfill their annual watering needs. Their evergreen silvery foliage and cream colored bark contrasts nicely with the darker bark of pines and oaks in the Sonoma Valley, and they are available as dwarf and fruitless varieties.
Artificial Turf
A shady patch of artificial lawn complementing an upper patio. Landzen, 2020.
If you love the look and functionality of a green lawn but still cringe at the bill that comes along with maintaining it, you might be happy to discover the range of improved artificial turf options available. With varieties available specially suited for an array of desired functions - such as for children, pets, and golfing - modern synthetic grasses are becoming more natural looking and durable than ever before. Manufacturing techniques and chemical compositions have improved alongside enhanced realistic grass color palettes, drainage, texture, and anti-bacterial properties for pet owners. Synthetic grass can be a great way to add variety to a landscape design, and working with a design team will help you find the right shade and variety to complement your house and the organic material surrounding it.
Water-wise Irrigation
Drip irrigation is hands-down the most water efficient way to irrigate a garden, using only a fraction of the water required for overhead spraying. Drip systems are set up specifically for your yard's unique planting plan, making them versatile, adaptable, and accommodating to the varying water requirements of all of the elements of your yard. Drip irrigation is well suited to the clay soils of Sonoma County because water is applied slowly which allows for its continual absorption and reduces run-off water waste.
Complementary Hardscaping

Creating a cohesive, evocative, and functional personal garden means going beyond choosing plant material and appropriately preparing soil and setting irrigation. A garden or yard should be a place that you can sit and relax, whether alone or with friends and loved ones, to enjoy your natural surroundings. Therefore, selecting appropriate hardscaping and choosing other landscape features that support the activities important to you are equally important tasks when transforming your yard into a water-wise sanctuary. Whether you are replacing a lawn that served as a place to gather or move about your yard, or you want to add structural elements that you had dreamt of before, there exists a wide variety of materials that can add new dimensions and broaden the functional possibilities to your yard. Decomposed granite looks great as a contrast to mulched garden beds, and pavers allow water to percolate into soil, but design and material ideas expand further when considering the full range of features you may desire to be part of your new yard.
Start by dreaming big regarding what you want in your space - such as an outdoor kitchen, putting green, deck, patio, outdoor shower, pool, spa, tool shed, water feature, or pergola. Our talented design staff can then work with you to decide what elements are most important, and then help you decide on materials that will best suit your house's architectural style and the overall look you like.
If you are interested in making the switch to a more California-friendly yard and garden but are feeling daunted by the task ahead of you, give us a call to set up a free consultation. Our design experience, extensive plant knowledge, and commitment to excellence in designing outdoor spaces tailored to your aesthetics, lifestyle, and desires will allow for the efficient creation of your dream low-water yard.
Landzen Landscape Design & Construction